In the above table, you can very well see the huge difference between revenue of top 3 Indian IT companies and the Google. Now, have a glance at the years, in which they forayed into the Industry, the same difference‘ll look quite large.
-Sometimes what happens that in search of something good/excellent or for finding the solution to a given problem, we ignore the very fundamentals. There may be some other reasons for the above raised point, but here, I‘ll discuss perhaps the most basic one.
Who is Responsible?
There’s something going wrong in our educational institutes from where companies recruit people. Let’s first see what Faculty and students are doing, then we‘ll try to know about their behavior and attitude and finally how we can change the way they are working.
Traits of faculty: giving personal preferences, Accepting gifts (bribe), paper leakage, sexual harassment, taking emotion driven decisions. In short, totally lack of professionalism.
Traits of students:
- By hook or crook: To gain personal benefits, ready to do from anything to everything like giving bribe, cheating in exams/lab-evaluation, result manipulation and many more to name a few.
- Risk Avery people: When working on some idea, there are always some associated risks, which people don’t want to take. Is it viable to expect innovation from Risk Avery people?
- Want to settle: People work only to that extent which is sufficient to get them settle in their lives. On broad brush basis, it means doing 20k plus job, owning a car, a good place to live, children studying in public schools. Someone has rightly said, “Keep looking. Don't settle”.
As miracles don’t happen every time, a significant change in their behavior is not foresighted. So, even after getting the job, they will keep on doing similar kind of activities in companies as well.
What does it mean to Indian IT Sector?
Initiative taken by infosys
Campus-Connect: it’s a program being run by the Infosys in different educational institutions to impart knowledge of different computer subjects. This is aimed at achieving the goal of producing industry ready recruits who are well rounded and quick learners.
A Good initiative has been taken by Infosys to give moral boost up to the freshers. Recently they announced to further put 4mn$ in this program.
What industry looks for?
We can have state-of-the-art infrastructure, hi-fi technological setups and many more but the most difficult thing to have is GOOD PEOPLE.
- Who innovate.
- Who have the courage to compete with world’s behemoth companies like Microsoft, IBM and the Google.
- Who work from their heart and soul and want to contribute to the Industry.
Are our educational institutions really generating Industry Contributors? I don’t think so.
(No doubt, we have IITs, IIMs and some more world renowned institutes). NASSCOM should provide a common platform, where executives from different companies work together to bring some sort of revolution.
The need of the hour is to bring a sea-change in their attitude. This can be done only if their outlook is widened and transformed and the thoughts are chastened. Work is worship and sincere work will truly help us to reach to the desired heights-hence proving the word Ascent.
It’s a human behavior focused program to generate Industry Contributors. It recommends to create one communication channel between companies and faculty and makes the other stronger one, which is already there between faculty and students. Let’s see in detail how it works.
Conduct counseling of faculty (to be done by a team formed at NASSCOM). Take them into confidence, peep into the weak points of their personality, help them to do away with their negative attributes and make them realize what they are doing and what they are supposed to do (self realization).
They (Faculty) are the people who communicate with students regularly, so they‘ll have to play a very vital role for the successful implementation of this program. They need to do practice before they preach. It requires a total catheterization and deodorization.
They need to create such an environment which encourages students to think, to work, to innovate, to do something good for the industry, leaving cheap acts, stopping manipulation and above all behaving like professionals in true spirit.
All concerned parties need to be actively involved. Initiative to be taken by companies, supported by management of different educational institutes and finally implement on faculty and students.
Challenges Ahead
- Because of ego and status, Faculty members may not like to hear (or accept) anything negative against themselves.
- As the age of human beings increases, their habits become more and more rigid, consequently the tendency to change human behavior decreases.
- It’s all about bringing change in the people’s mind, which can’t be done in a flash of light, so it‘ll be a very time consuming process.
This whole program needs to be designed so carefully which guarantees minimum resistance from faculty side. I think we should involve a team of psychologist to design this program as they are well aware of the human mind, their behavior and they will certainly help companies to do some significant work in this direction.
Very nice Sir.. So true. We need that kind of mentality imparted to the students and the faculty.
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